A question that I asked myself at church this morning is this: Is
Christianity really that deep and profound of a religion? My pastor
was saying that it is. And our liturgy and Psalm 139 say that God has
numerous thoughts, which we are not able to count. But, when I look at
Christianity, it doesn't strike me as overly deep or profound. I'm not
saying that I know everything or even most things about it and its
various manifestations and holy writings. But I do believe that I have a
fairly decent handle on its overall repertoire, and, even when I come
across things about it that I do not know, I am not particularly awed,
nor do I feel as if I am traveling in very deep waters. There's enough
for me to learn that I can stay entertained by reading and thinking
about the Bible. But the Bible and Christianity do not strike me as
particularly deep or profound.
That's all I'm in the mood to write in this post.