Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ernest Borgnine

I just learned that actor Ernest Borgnine has passed on.  My two favorite Borgnine performances:

1.  The 1955 movie, Marty, in which Borgnine plays a lonely butcher from the Bronx who finds love when he meets a lonely chemistry teacher.  Borgnine won an Academy Award for this role.  People in the movie say that the chemistry teacher is ugly, but I never thought so.  The actress who played her was married to Gene Kelly for sixteen years!

I like this movie because it's about a guy who's not popular with the ladies, yet he meets someone who's right for him.

2.  The Little House on the Prairie two-parter episode, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," in which Laura runs away from home after her baby brother dies.  She goes to a mountain to be closer to God so that God would take her and return her brother.  There, she meets Jonathan, the angel of the mountain, who befriends her, helps her father and Mr. Edwards find her, and encourages her to go back home to her family.  Jonathan was played by Borgnine.

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