Friday, May 16, 2008

Here's the Worse Part...

The AP has a news story today entitled "Gay Marriage Opponents Vow to Fight California Ruling" (see here). It's about the recent California Supreme Court decision that recognizes gay marriage. As if the decision isn't bad enough, here are some other details:

"With a stroke of a pen Thursday, the Republican-dominated court swept away decades of tradition and said there was no legally justifiable reason why the state should withhold the institution of marriage because of a couple's sexual orientation."

"Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has twice vetoed legislation that would have granted marriage to same-sex couples, said in a statement he respected the court's decision and 'will not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state Supreme Court ruling.'"

Do you notice that? It's Republicans who did this! If we can't trust them to uphold traditional marriage, whom can we trust?

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