Thursday, December 16, 2010

God, the Janitor of Heaven

Someone posted the following yesterday:

“Somebody I knew would always say that they wanted to be just a street sweeper in Heaven, that they didn’t need to to have any lofty position.

“Years later, he thought about that and realized that:

“a) The street sweeper position is probably the… hardest job in heaven (cleaning up after everything, basically you bow to the will of all)

“b) That’s probably God’s position in heaven, as if he is leader by example, he’s more then likely the janitor.”

In college, I saw a play called “Mappa Mundi,” which included a portrayal of Bible stories in Genesis. God was sitting on his throne with a smug look on his face, creating the world “for his pleasure.” Something about that picture of God rubbed me the wrong way. But that poster presents a picture that is more appealing to me: God is in heaven serving others. That makes sense. If God wants us to serve others, doesn’t that imply that he does so himself?

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