On page 73 of The Final Days, by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, we read the following about Judge Sirica:
“Sirica entered. He didn’t like dramatic courtroom confrontations,
and he expected one this afternoon. His nerves were getting to him.”
On the next page, we read: “Sirica retired to his chambers. As he
often did after a tense hearing, he lay down to wait for the pounding of
his heart to slow.”
Do I like drama? Well, I like watching it on TV, or reading about
it. And, when I was a child and a teenager, I liked to generate drama
by being controversial. My fifth grade class had class elections, and I
ran and assisted a few campaigns. I enjoyed starting debates in
class. I found life to be rather humdrum and boring, and this was my
way of trying to make it interesting.
As an adult, while I like to follow fictional drama, or drama that
involves other people, I am not as keen about being in the middle of
drama. I like for things to run smoothly and rather predictably, when I
am involved.