I'm having a hard time getting into Milton Steinberg's As a Driven Leaf, so I may save my reading of that for another time. Instead, I'll be blogging through another book: James David Audlin's Circle of Life: Traditional Teachings of Native American Elders.
In this post, I'll use as my starting-point something that Audlin says on page ix:
elder, despite growing up poor in the rural Ozarks, educated himself
magnificently and became an expert on the religions of the world,
studies that convinced him that Native American spirituality is but one
expression of the true faith of all the Original Peoples."
This reminded me of the scholar Edward Causaubon's attempt in George Eliott's Middlemarch
to find the original religion that is behind all of the world's
religions. Is this even possible? Was there really a primeval
religion----"the true faith of all the Original Peoples"? I remember a
professor telling us what she believed was the difference between the
University of Chicago's approach to religion and Yale's approach. Yale,
according to her, looked at the distinct manifestations of religion
throughout history, whereas the University of Chicago sought a primeval
religion. I'm not sure how true this is. My impression (from looking
at catalogs and the writings of faculty from those institutions) is that
both schools look at the distinct manifestations of religion within
their historical contexts. It was interesting to me, however, that a
professor of mine who got his degree from the University of Chicago
began his class on religion by seeking to define what religion was, and
by looking at terms that apply to a number of religions. It's like we
were going from general to specific rather than focusing primarily on
the specific (which was what my Yale-educated professor did----focused
on the specific), or at least that we were seeking what various
religions had in common.
In terms of primeval religion, I suppose
that scholars can look at evidences for the earliest religions that were
in the world. There was cave-man spirituality, for example. It was
probably very rudimentary, though, in terms of lacking the moral
advancement that later religions attained. That being the case, would
we even want to embrace the "true faith of all the Original Peoples"?
are a number of Jews and Christians who believe that the commonalities
among certain religions of the world indicate descent from a common
religion. If you were to point out the similarities between themes in
the Hebrew Bible and themes that appear in ancient Near Eastern
religions, for example, many of them would tell you that this is not
evidence that the Hebrew Bible merely copied stuff from other religions
at the time. Rather, they'd contend, there was a primeval religion, and
it got corrupted in the other nations, while the Hebrew Bible preserves
it in its purity. I can't really disprove that claim. I wouldn't be
surprised if ancient Near Eastern religions had commonalities because
they descended from a common source. But I also wouldn't preclude the
possibility that there were times when one culture influenced another,
and vice-versa. Life can get pretty messy.