Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What's Up Her Sleeve?

In my post yesterday, Palin, the Media, and the Bridge, I talked about how Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin continues to repeat that she killed the Bridge to Nowhere, even though the media are reporting that she only did so after the federal government didn't fork up enough money for it. Some are claiming that Palin's avoiding the media because she's afraid they'll ask her about it.

But Sarah Palin is not stupid. I mean, if I were Palin, and I were afraid that the media would ask me about the Bridge to Nowhere, I'd simply not mention it ever again and hope that they'd forget about it. But she keeps talking about it over and over. And she knows she'll have to face hard questions some time in the near future. After all, she'll be interviewed by Charlie Gibson later this week. And, in her debate with Joe Biden this coming October, either the moderator or Joe Biden will ask her about the bridge.

What's up Sarah Palin's sleeve? Does she have a secret recording in which she tells Ted Stevens, "Stop trying to shove this bridge down my throat! Sure, I supported it at first, but it's too darn expensive!"

Or here's another possibility: she keeps bringing the bridge up because it makes Barack Obama and Joe Biden look worse than she does. At least she killed the bridge when it got too expensive. But here's what John Powers of the Chicago Daily Observer documents about Obama and Biden (see here):

"...Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama voted for funding the Bridge, even when given a second chance by Sen. Tom Coburn, who proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief."

Considering that, Obama and Biden should probably be the ones who shut up about the bridge!

I think that McCain's selection of Palin in general should put the Democrats on mute. I don't hear Obama calling Palin "inexperienced," even though he calls her a host of other things. How can he say "Sarah Palin is too inexperienced to be Vice-President or President," when people can easily respond, "And you are?"

Some may argue that McCain has now taken experience off the table, but that's not necessarily true. He has a come-back to that: Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

The media are talking about John McCain and Sarah Palin like they're politically stupid, but I doubt they're that, let me tell you!