Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Palin, the Media, and the Bridge

I'd like to add something to my last post, Barack vs. Palin. I'm listening to NPR right now (McCain, Palin Campaign In Ohio), and the anchors are asking if Sarah Palin is continuing to assert that she killed the Bridge to Nowhere, after major news outlets have pointed out that her claim is not entirely true. The answer is that she's doing precisely that, and the McCain campaign released a statement that she will continue to do so.

Even though I'd like to see Palin address that charge, a major part of me is shouting "Way to go, Sarah!" for how she's handling the whole situation. The media are like, "Well, certainly she should revise her story. After all, have not we pointed out that it is wrong?" But Sarah Palin doesn't give a rip what the elitist media think. She'll tell the story as she sees fit!