Friday, April 10, 2020

Current Events Write-Up: Religious Liberty;”Buy American”; Easter Not Pagan; Alt-Right Defense of China

Here is a Current Events Write-Up, in which I post links to articles that I like. I used to do this once a week. Now, I’ll do it whenever I feel like it.

Here we go:

Federalist: “Recovering the Religious Liberty of the Founders,” by Tony Sumpter.

“[Religious liberty attorney] Luke Goodrich writes, ‘My thesis is simple. The government shouldn’t promote religion in the public square. Neither should it scrub religion from the public square. Instead, it should treat religion as a natural part of the public square’ (emphasis original). Elsewhere, he gives an example of what he means: ‘In short, in a society that is deeply divided over human sexuality, the abortion model does the best job of respecting both sides. Same-sex couples are free to live according to their views; religious people are free to live according to theirs. The government doesn’t force either side to violate their deeply held beliefs about human sexuality. Why would anyone object to this kind of compromise?'”

Opposing Viewpoints: Should the U.S. Government Have a ‘Buy American” Requirement on its Purchase of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies?

Yes: Dr. Sanjai Baghat (Federalist)
No: Veronique De Rugy (Reason)

Townhall: “No, Easter Is Not Derived From an Ancient Pagan Holiday,” by Ashley Herzog.

My Armstrongite heritage notwithstanding!

Erik Striker: “International Finance’s Anti-China Crusade.”

A white nationalist’s defense of China as a bulwark against global capitalism and neoliberalism.