Sunday, March 29, 2020

Church Write-Up: Worldliness

This morning, I watched my church’s Wednesday and Sunday services.

Some items:

A. The Wednesday service focused on worldliness. “Worldliness” was defined as attachment to the things of the world.

The youth pastor showed the types of outfits that he used to wear to look “cool” to his peers. As a teen, he wore his hoodie backwards because a band was doing that at the time. But he learned that God already thinks he’s cool, so he does not need to look cool to others.

The pastor talked about the story of the rich young ruler. The rich young ruler thought that he oriented his life around God. At least he observed the commandments as he thought they should be done! But his possessions, with the status and reputation that they brought him, were hard for him to let go, so he rejected Jesus’s admonition that he sell all and follow him. Jesus was saddened by this, for the man was so close to entering the Kingdom of God. We, too, are possessed by things other than God, but God offers us hope. With human beings, salvation is impossible, but all things are possible for God. Jesus made salvation possible by purchasing us as his own.

B. The Sunday service focused on building on a strong foundation, the foundation of Jesus and his words. Trusting in other things, such as our wealth, may fail us, as is occurring amidst the current pandemic. When we trust in Jesus, however, we realize that this world is merely temporary and that God is taking care of us, now and in eternity. People who hoard toilet paper show that they prioritize personal comfort over love of God and neighbor. I can sympathize with them, though. God having a good afterlife in store for me does not help me right now if I am totally out of toilet paper!