Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

As many of you know, Osama Bin Laden is dead. We went into Pakistan and took him out. This was a delicate move. Remember all the talk during the 2008 Presidential election about Obama's idea that we go into Pakistan and take Bin Laden out? Hillary and McCain presented Obama as naive. And, when Palin said that we should go into Pakistan, she was lampooned. But we went into Pakistan, we took Bin Laden out, and Pakistan accepts our decision. There was no diplomatic fall-out with Pakistan as a result of our move, and this is good.

I appreciated that President Obama said that our war is not against Islam, but against murderers, and the President pointed out that Osama Bin Laden has also killed numerous Muslims. I feel that this is so often forgotten by those who give in to Islamophobia. Moreover, I was pleased that President Obama said that his predecessor, George W. Bush, also exhorted Americans right after 9/11 that our war is not against Islam.

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Unfortunately, the threat of terrorism remains, for terrorism was never about just one man. But Americans who have suffered as a result of 9/11 can at least take assurance that justice has been done.

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