Monday, July 26, 2010

Latin Mass 7/25/10

I didn’t write about my Latin mass yesterday, so, today, I’ll share my favorite items from the church bulletin (published by J.S. Paluch Company).

1. St. Monica was upset that her son, Augustine, wasn’t following the Christian faith. She talked to her son about God continually, to no avail. When she told her local bishop about this, the bishop suggested that she stop talking to Augustine about God, and started talking to God about Augustine. She did so—incessantly—until Augustine finally “abandoned his wild ways, was baptized, and later was ordained and named bishop of Hippo.”

2. A life journey without prayer would be like traveling across country with your best friend—but never speaking to each other! No one travels life’s journey alone. God is our constant companion, accompanying us from beginning to end, even when we get off the path, move too slowly, or take a step backwards. Prayer is one of the ways we always keep God at our side.

Well, actually, he’s at our side, whether we pray or not. But prayer reminds us that God is at our side.

3. Our service has been in the auditorium rather than the sanctuary, which is being remodelled. I feel like I’m in an Armstrongite service. Those met in hotel meeting rooms, auditoriums, gyms, etc.