Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So Palin Reads Her Palm, Obama's Still in the Game

I haven't done a political post in a while, so here we go! My first point will be conservative. My second will be liberal.

1. So Sarah Palin reads notes off of her palm. Big deal! If I could read a word off my palm and deliver an eloquent, articulate commentary (as she did), then I'd say I'm doing pretty good!

2. A few days ago, Barack Obama said that the health care bill might fail. But here's why I admire him: he's not giving up on the issue! He's not doing what Bill Clinton did: the health care bill died, so he abandoned the issue and tried to become more conservative. President Obama is reaching across party lines to do something about America's health care problems. It's probably more than a political issue for him, since he's said on more than one occasion that, while his mom was dying in the hospital, she had to haggle with her health insurance provider to get coverage for her medical care.

I hope that President Obama fights for conservative ideas---tort reform, no abortion funding, conscience provisions, competition along state lines (or at least taking measures to break up the state-by-state monopolies that health insurance companies have). He talked about these ideas in his speech to Congress about health care, but some of them died in the Congress. I hope that he commits to them, while pushing for other ways to bring down the cost of health care.