Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tim Tebow

I joined a Facebook group supporting Tim Tebow’s pro-life commercial, which may or may not appear during the Superbowl. (Go Colts!)

I joined it because, on the commercial, Tebow talks about how he’s glad that his mom didn’t abort him when she was presented with the opportunity. A friend of mine called this a political ad, and I then realized that I should probably see it if I’m going to be in a group defending it. So I did a search.

I didn’t find the ad, but here’s a picture of Tim Tebow’s girlfriend: See full size image. Man! How’s a born-again Christian like him handle the no-sex-before-marriage rule? It would be hard for me, if I had a girlfriend like her!

I know, I’m a pig.

But this should make up for it: Izgad’s posts on why sex outside of marriage is ethically wrong.

The Ethical Case Against Sex Outside of Marriage (Part I)

The Ethical Case Against Sex Outside of Marriage (Part II)