Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Since Ann Coulter's Been Cancelled from the Today Show...

...I want to share with you this! Couric vs. Coulter. It's the Katie Couric/Ann Coulter smackdown. This is Ann Coulter on the Today Show after her book Slander came out.

Katie can't beat up on Ann the way she did on Sarah Palin. When she throws Ann a hardball, Ann not only hits it out of the park. She throws one back, putting Katie on the defensive. And Katie Couric obviously gets annoyed during the course of the interview, her phony grin notwithstanding.

In my opinion, Ann owns Katie in this interview.

The Left's been going out of its way to crush dissent this week. Anyone hear about those new Pelosi rules that will limit Republicans' ability to propose alternative legislation or add amendments? See here. Whenever I hear something like that, my heart rejoices that there are people like Ann Coulter who aren't afraid to fight back.