Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christian Theater Major Needs Advice

A while back, I wrote a post entitled Christian Actors, in which I discussed Christian actors and the roles that they played. "Is it all right for a Christian actor to play a role in which he has sex outside of marriage?" was one question I asked. Today, someone posted the following response:

"... So I am a Christian in college, and right now I'm a theater-major. I've really been struggling with this issue! Is there a line to draw in what we portray in plays? Are there words that we aren't supposed to say? There's so many things that pull me both ways; if I am acting, then technically it's not really me, but at the same time, I want to glorify God through the skills He's given me. And then at the same time I feel selfish and feel like I'm being held back from whatever talent I have because I can't accept certain roles, even if they would focus on my acting strengths. AHHH! What to do? I've prayed about it, but I haven't felt like I'm getting any answer. If all the Christians were to never do acting, then who would be a light in the darker areas of acting? Does anyone have any thoughts or clarity on this? Thanks."

What advice would you give to the Christian theater major in this dilemma? Feel free to chime in, whatever your religious affiliation or lack thereof.