Sunday, November 2, 2008

Steve Foss' Prophetic Warning

I came across this on my Christian dating site: A Prophetic Warning from Pastor Steve Foss. Pastor Foss attempts to boost his prophetic credentials when he claims that he predicted certain events successfully in the past. Now, he asserts that Barack Obama as President will use government to attack those who disagree with him. He points to the attacks on Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber as evidence.

I found this intriguing. I often wonder if the Barack Obama we see before us is all there is to the man. I've heard right-wing pundits claim that he has "thugs," that he's been part of corrupt political establishments, and that he was involved in trying to undermine Sarah Palin in Alaska. I don't know how true this is. Was he or his campaign personally involved in these sorts of activities, or are they done by other elements of the Left? Does Barack have a Greg Stillson side to him (Stephen King's Dead Zone)?

I read a column a while back by Chuck Norris (yes, the Churck Norris), which said Obama was not fit to be President because his personality is too conciliatory. I can't picture that sort of person taking away our constitutional rights.

I remember a John Birch lady telling me in 1992 that Bill Clinton had a document to take away our constitutional freedoms. He never did that. But Bill Clinton did have his thugs, and he tried to undermine many people who disagreed with him (by digging into their pasts, etc.).

It also seems like there are different prophets. A while back I read a prophet who said Barack Obama has a hunger for righteousness. So which prophet is right? The one who portrays Obama as essentially decent, or the one who sees him as an Antichrist sort of figure?