Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things I'm Not in the Mood to Debate

I know this is late, but I keep reading about Jon Stewart's little rant, so I have a question: can't Sarah Palin compliment small towns and rural areas without people taking offense? Brother! It's like we're dealing with little kids! "Mommy, why'd you compliment him and not me?"

Readers, feel free to comment on this post, but I probably won't respond. I'm not in the mood for a debate on this right now. I just wanted to make a statement.

And while I'm posting things I don't feel like debating, here's a quote I enjoyed from Tony Blankley's column, The Birth of the Me-Too Conservative:

"For example, Peggy Noonan charges that Palin's 'political decisions seem untethered to a political philosophy. She does not speak seriously but attempts to excite sensation -- 'palling around with terrorists.' But it's unclear whether she is Bushian or Reaganite. She has spent her time throwing out tinny lines to crowds she doesn't, really, understand. This is not a leader, this is a follower. She could reinspire and reinspirit; she chooses merely to excite. She doesn't seem to understand the implications of her own thoughts.'

"Oh, my. Has Peggy been napping up there on Mount Olympus through the past several generations of American politics? She accuses Palin of not engaging America in a Socratic dialogue, of using phrases untethered to a political philosophy. Exactly what philosophy are the slogans 'change' and 'hope' tethered to? American presidential campaigns, with very few exceptions, have been little more than slogans shouted in the hopes that crowds will be excited by them. The much-admired Obama campaign has been the greatest exemplar of style over substance. However, it is Peggy Noonan's completely unsupported sneer at Palin's mental capacities that is most revealing."
