Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Hope She Has the Last Laugh

I watched Saturday Night Live last night, and Tina Fey made Sarah Palin look like a dunce (even though, surprisingly, Tina Fey was more articulate on certain occasions than Governor Palin herself). And that's pretty much how the media are portraying her. The New York Times even suggested that McCain drop her from the ticket.

Wasilla Kilkenny portrays Palin as someone who's able to bully people and get her own way on account of her popularity (see Palin the Hun?) Well, if that's how she truly is, then she's probably beginning to realize that it's a whole different ballgame on the national level.

I'm really hoping that Palin gets the last laugh and shines at the coming debate. I know that she has within her the capacity to come across as intelligent and articulate (see A Good Palin Interview and Palin on C-Span--Old Interview). Maybe McCain is hiding her and she's doing badly in the interviews because McCain wants to lower expectations, or make the Biden camp smug and complacent.

We'll see how the debate turns out...