Friday, August 15, 2008

The Next Few Posts

I want to update you all on what the next few posts will be about.

I'm going to continue my series on Sabbatarianism. One post will be on eschatological Sabbath-keeping, and it will deal with Isaiah 66, which presents Gentiles keeping the Sabbath in the new heaven and the new earth. This is a strong Sabbatarian argument, depending on what Sabbatarian group is making it. You'll see what I mean in the post!

I'd like to write something on the religious function of ceremonies: their service as something tangible for people to hold on to. Some see reliance on rituals as a human weakness, and this is one criticism that anti-Sabbatarians make of Sabbathkeepers. Others maintain that we all need rituals. I'll be bringing in a lot of stories and personal anecdotes for this post. And, since I haven't written much about my Latin mass lately, I'll refer to a sermon that the priest gave on the Mosaic law and Catholic rituals.

Paul Newman is not looking too good, so I'll most likely do a commemoration of him if he passes away. I've not seen too many of his movies, but the ones I have seen were really good. Plus, my family always enjoyed his salad dressing and "fig Newmans."

Stay tuned!