Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One More Thing on Dobson and Obama

Barack Obama said the following in his 2006 speech on religion and public policy:

"I am hopeful that we can bridge the gaps that exist and overcome the prejudices each of us bring to this debate. And I have faith that millions of believing Americans want that to happen. No matter how religious they may or may not be, people are tired of seeing faith used as a tool of attack. They don't want faith used to belittle or to divide. They're tired of hearing folks deliver more screed than sermon. Because in the end, that's not how they think about faith in their own lives."

As Dobson points out, Obama said this before all of the outcry about his (Obama's) own pastor, Jeremiah Wright, who actually does use religion as a means of attack. When conservatives do it, it's being mean. When liberals do it, it's standing up as a prophetic voice for social justice. Go figure!