Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hillary's a Flip-Flopping Hypocrite

The AP has a good story this morning, entitled, "'Last stand' for Clinton at Democratic meeting "(see here). I haven't been closely following the whole broo-ha-ha about the Michigan and Florida delegates, so I was happy that this article offered some background information.

A lot of you know the story. Florida and Michigan had primaries when they weren't supposed to, so the Democratic Party punished them by not counting their delegates. In deference to Party authority, the Democratic candidates agreed not to campaign there. But Hillary got her name on the ballot and won. So, in desperation as she loses to Obama, she is saying that those votes should be counted. She's even drawn a parallel between what the Democratic Party did and the uncounted votes in Florida during the controversial 2000 election.

Well, here's the interesting part: According to the story, Hillary "originally backed the punishments handed to Florida and Michigan." Was that when she was in the lead? Well, now that she's struggling, she's changed her tune. So she doesn't really care about the voters of Florida, as she claims. All she's interested in is her reputation or personal power. She wants to narrow the gap, or claim that she actually won the popular vote.

I probably won't vote for Obama, but I am so happy that Hillary's career is almost over. The boldness of her hypocrisy simply astounds me!