Friday, May 23, 2008

Bush Banning Oil Exploration?

NPR has a story today entitled, Bush Eyes Unprecedented Conservation Program. Here's some of what it says:

"The Bush administration is considering launching one of the biggest conservation programs in U.S. history. If implemented, President George W. Bush could, with the stroke of a pen, protect vast stretches of U.S. territorial waters from fishing, oil exploration and other forms of commercial development."

Look, we need oil. The prices are too high, as drivers very well know. And gas prices affect me, even though I don't drive, for they also impact the price of food and other items. Republicans want us to drill in Alaska, but liberals and environmentalists keep standing in the way. Now, President Bush is looking into banning oil exploration in certain areas. Ordinarily, Bush is a dependable conservative. Now, he's trying to garner a good legacy among environmentalists.

Bush is reminding me more of his dad as time goes on. And that is not a compliment.