Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Odds and Ends

I finished the Book of Malachi yesterday, and I am going on to the Book of Matthew. But my blogging plan over the next few days is to write some more about the prophets.

There are times when I have a fertile mind. "Maybe I should write a post about this, and this, and this," I think. And I write down some of those topics in a notebook for future reference. And then there are other times, like right now, when my mind is rather barren. So my solution in my dry time is to write about some of the topics that I jotted down in my notebook during my fertile times.

But I want to make one thing clear: I'm not willing to die over what I write. Some of these topics made sense to me when I first thought them up, but they don't as much right now. Still, I feel there is enough value to them to write some kind of post. But the post is not going to cover every single base, plus it may look to some (including myself) that I am stretching. So these posts will not be overly academic, but they will take you through my thought processes.

So my first post like this will be on Zechariah 11, which I will write right now.