Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Love George W. Bush

Today, NPR has a few stories that make me glad I voted for George W. Bush. They are as follows:

1. New Ob/Gyn Guidelines Stir Ethics, Legal Debate

"March 19, 2008 · The Department of Health and Human Services says organizations that oversee certification for obstetrician-gynecologists may be breaking federal law by instituting new ethics guidelines. The guidelines have stoked the debate over whether a doctor's right to refuse care trumps a patient's right to obtain it."

Basically, the "ethics" guidelines "require physicians to make referrals for abortions or other procedures they don't wish to perform themselves." Bush's Health and Human Services Department is saying, "I don't think so."

As a pro-life doctor said in the story, he wouldn't send a woman to a hitman, so why should he send her to someone he believes is a murderer? A lot of liberals talk about being "pro-choice." Apparently, they don't want doctors to choose whether or not to refer women to abortionists.

2. "Individuals' Rights Key in Landmark D.C. Gun Case" (Listen Now).

"The Supreme Court on Tuesday heard arguments on the District of Columbia's law essentially banning handgun ownership in the city...For most of the past century, the courts have interpreted the constitutional right to bear arms as a collective right, linked to military service and state militias. But Tuesday, a majority of Supreme Court justices indicated that they believe the right to bear arms is an individual right, like the right of free speech or the right to be free from unreasonable searches."

Horray for the Supreme Court, which is now more conservative because of George W. Bush. I liked Scalia's argument that, historically, oppressive authorities tried to prevent militias by taking away the guns of individuals. Therefore, the part of the Second Amendment about a "well-regulated militia" fits quite well with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" (emphasis mine).

D.C. banned people from owning handguns? That is going too far. Someone else had a similar policy. Adolf Hitler said, "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms" (Hitler’s Secret Conversations, trans. Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens; New York: Signet Books, 1961; p. 403).

I'm glad we have a President who is serious about being a conservative, at least on abortion and gun control.