Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bible Meme

I've been tagged by Weird Thinkers for Bible Meme, so here it goes:

1. What translation of the Bible do you like best?
New American Bible. It's the best for leisure reading.
2. Old or New Testament?
Old Testament.
3. Favorite Book of the Bible?
4. Favorite Chapter?
Genesis 16 (God reaches out to fleeing Hagar).
5. Favorite Verse? (feel free to explain yourself if you have to)
I'm with Bryan here. Lately, Jeremiah 12:5 has been in my mind: "If you have raced with foot-runners and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you fall down, how will you fare in the thickets of the Jordan?" God tells Jeremiah that things won't get easier, so he should try to toughen up amidst his current circumstances.
6. Bible character you think you’re most like?
7. One thing from the Bible that confuses you?
Did the prophets envision eschatalogical paradise taking place in their own times? And, if so, were they wrong? And, in that case, how should we approach them as Scripture?
8. Moses or Paul?
9. A teaching from the Bible that you struggle with or don’t get?
The whole faith and works issue. We're saved by grace through faith alone, yet we don't get into the good afterlife if we practice certain sins or fail to do good works. So are we really saved by grace through faith alone?
10. Coolest name in the Bible?

I tag Charles Halton, Angela Erisman, K.W. Leslie, Pete Bekins, and Scott Gray .